DRAINAGE PRODUCTS CATCH BASINS AND GRATES Grate Cover Cutsheets 12″ Grate for Riser or D-Box Cutsheet12″ Grate for Corrugated Pipes20″ Grate for Riser or D-Box24″ Heavy Duty Grate for Riser or Corrugated Pipes Catch Basin Cutsheets 12″ D-Box20″ D-Box 6-Hole and 7-Hole20″ D-Box 8-Hole9″ Square D-Box with Grate12″ Square D-Box with Grate TRENCH DRAINS 48" Trench Drain Cutsheets 48″ Trench Drain – Black or Grey48″ Skinny Trench Drain – Black or Grey DRAINAGE ACCESSORIES Pipe Adapters Cutsheets 4″ and 6″ Corrugated Pipe Adapters3″ Corrugated to 4″ SDR 35